Friday, December 8, 2017

Flashback Friday, 2011-Dr. Vladimir Issurin: Block Periodization- New Approach To High-Performance Training Design

“In Block approach concentration of training workloads should be high, this condition is to get real progression due to sufficient training stimulation.”

Block Periodization is still a hot topic with strength and conditioning coaches. The use of intensified loads at different times is one subject of discussion with many in the fields.  Dr. Vladimir Issurin is the founder of one of these Block models.

In this talk Dr. Issurin breaks down traditional theory with the criticisms and restrictions of this approach, the alternative approach he has developed, and the biological background to the set up and the conclusions he has drawn.

Dr. Issurin breaks down the original periodization model developed by Dr. Matveyev. In this analysis, he discusses the pros and cons to the multiple peaks, and development of multiple targets (adaptations) at the same time.  He provides two different examples of highly successful athletes with multiple peaks in one year.  Due to these multiple peaks, he infers that the traditional approach may not be best for higher level athletes and/or team’s due to the limitations of training multiple abilities at the same time.

Then he gets into the real meat of the talk discussing blocks and stages. First, he defines both of these, to hopefully eliminate the confusion that still seems to arise on what these are. He also breaks down some of the other block models, with their pro’s and con’s, and compares the traditional theory and block periodization.

Vladimir next touches upon the basic principles of Block Periodization including not just the principles, but the cornerstones of it. He follows this up showing anecdotal evidence from his athletes.  These results are achieved due to the use of Prof. Counsilman’s residual training effects. After defining residual training effects, he breaks down different “goals” of training, and how long the adaptations achieved last. These include strength and its relation to force production, endurance training’s effect on VO2 Max, along with anaerobic endurance, strength endurance, max strength, and max speed. This is why you can develop “targets” in sequence, or blocks in this model. He breaks down examples including how to peak athlete’s using this method, and touches upon some of the latest outcomes using Block Periodization with high level athletes.

He finishes the talk by answering some FAQ’s on his model, that many American coaches have including: were skill training fits in with BP, where additional information can be found on BP including examples of programming and key workouts with BP,

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Article Source Here: Flashback Friday, 2011-Dr. Vladimir Issurin: Block Periodization- New Approach To High-Performance Training Design

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