Saturday, January 27, 2018


82dd3a14-6c5e-497f-9d86-d6614ab98f7dLast but not least, today we announce our seventh presenter for The 2018 Seminar. Rounding out the docket for this July 20th and 21st is The Rugby Strength Coach, Keir Wenham-Flatt. Keir and I have been friends and colleagues for the past 5 years, and I have been so impressed with what he does as a coach and an educator with his website that I not only had to have him in RVA as a presenter, but as a coach here at The University of Richmond. It is impossible for me to be more excited about him bringing his repertoire to The Seminar and The Spiders. So let's get right to it and meet Keir Wenham-Flatt...

JD: If you could, please give our readers a little background information about you, what your niche in the world of athletics is, accomplishments, how you got there, education, any products you have available and/or notable publications.

KWF: I am a rugby strength and conditioning specialist. I have worked with 7 professional teams in 5 different countries, including leading the S&C the Argentinian national rugby team (4th place finish at the 2015 rugby world cup).

My education is a Master’s Degree in Strength & Conditioning, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Sport Science. My areas of interest are in speed and agility development, and global load management.

JD: Discuss with us the mistakes you see made by strength and conditioning coaches in the United States and around the world, and what you feel should be done differently/how to correct these issues.

KWF: My biggest pet peeve with the industry is the idea that the weight room a panacea in terms of sports performance. Often, as coaches, we spend too much time and effort trying to improve numbers like the bench and the squat for the sake of it, without concern for whether they really transfer to the field or not.

Likewise, I think we need to realise as a field that there is huge co-dependence between physical preparation and sport coaches. All forms of sport practice will have a physical effect. All forms of physical training will in turn impact the movement literacy and efficiency with which athletes move on the field, and the tactical schemes they are consequently able to implement in the game. The better able we are to synchronise the respective areas of expertise, the better we will be able to serve our athletes with the most effective and efficient programme possible.

JD: What advice would you give a coach to improve knowledge in the lines of continuing education, meaning could you point our readers in a direction to find the scientific and practical information to improve the methods they use to improve performance?

KWF: To me, the stopwatch sports like track and field are King. There is far less room to hide in sports where the athlete’s performance is objectively measured by the clock or tape measure than in team sports. Seek out those coaches or teams who live and die by the numbers, and who have the track record to back up what they do: Dan Pfaff, Henk Kraiienhof, Charlie Francis, Stuart McMillan all come to mind.

JD: If you could give a brief description of what our attendees can expect from you at The Seminar?

KWF: I hope: practical application of sound training science, sprinkled with inappropriate language.

JD: Any closing thoughts?

KWF: As a long time attendee of the seminar, it is an honour to invited by Jay to speak at CVASPS. Thank you.

Who is Keir Wenham-Flattt?

Keir is presently an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at The University of Richmond, but he is most notedly known for his work in the sport of rugby.  Keir’s voyage in the game of rugby has brought him around the globe. Currently he is the Head of Strength & Conditioning for Toshiba Brave Lupus in the Japanese Top League. Prior to his tenure in Japan, Keir worked with the Argentinean National Team in preparation for and while competing in the Rugby World Cup. Los Pumas they finished fourth, their best performance on the world’s biggest stage in the sport.  

 Before heading to South America, Keir was with the 2014 World Club Challenge Champions the Sydney Roosters, and two-time European Cup Champions London Wasps. The sport of ruby has brought Mr. Rugby Strength Coach around the world and to four different contents in his career where he has had the opportunity to connect with and learn from some of the best coaches around the world. For more information and to connect with Keir check out his web site  

Post Source Here: INTRODUCING 2018 PRESENTER-Keir Wenham-Flatt

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